Investing In Your Employee’s Professional Development & Emotional Wellness

Don Azevedo

Mental well being is Don’s business and he really knows his stuff. Nick and Don question why there isn’t more focus on the emotional well being of workers in the workforce, how to design the workplace and workforce of the future, and what it means to strive for authentic happiness. Can software or technology be built to assist in this movement towa


Don Azevedo


Don Azevedo

Don Fernando Azevedo received his Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology from the University of Tennessee in 1988.  He left graduate school with a strong desire to strengthen marriages and families.Dr. Azevedo worked as a clinician for more than 25 years in a variety of locations from war zones with the 101st Airborne Division in Desert Storm, to hospitals, to private practice.  In early 2000, he accepted a challenge to enter the corporate world to find another way to apply psychological thought to the human condition.

In 2016, he founded Azevedo Family Psychology to evolve his positive, life affirming approach to delivering coaching and psychotherapy.  In all the years of helping marriage, he also saw the devastation of divorce when done harshly.  He has recently developed skills in Discernment Counseling to help marriages on the brink of divorce engage in the crucial conversations necessary to decide with confidence to undergo time-limited, focused, and behaviorally based marital therapy or to divorce in the most supportive way possible such that the two families that emerge from the divorce can live in peace and dignity.  He supports marriages and families in the workforce by delivering key note speeches, seminars, and coaching to corporations on emotionally literate leadership.  Along with his colleague, Dr. Don Adams, he has developed a new intervention strategy for relationships entitled The Emotionally Literate Couple.  He lives in Cary, North Carolina with his wife of thirty two years.  He has two children.

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