To keep up with the latest trends, technologies, and best practices, our team of “digi-preneurs” constantly share the “best of” what they’re learning and reading across Slack channels. Here’s a roundup of insights from the last two weeks, including software engineering, business and product strategy, UX/design, and the Internet of Medical Things (IoMT).
Software Engineering
New Release: React Navigation 5.0 (alpha) via React Navigation
React Navigation is born from the React Native community's need for an extensible yet easy-to-use navigation solution written entirely in JavaScript (so you can read and understand all of the source), on top of powerful native primitives.
Android 10: Everything you need to know! via Android Central
The next version of Android is here. It's chock-full of new features, has a renewed focus on privacy, and for the first time in Android history, doesn't have a tasty dessert name to accompany it.
Rails 6.0: Action Mailbox, Action Text, Multiple DBs, Parallel Testing, Webpacker by default, and Zeitwerk via Ruby on Rails
Dealing with incoming email, composing rich-text content, connecting to multiple databases, parallelizing test runs, integrating JavaScript with love, and rewriting the code loader. These are fundamental improvements to the fundamentals of working with the web and building fast and fresh applications.
Apple Event 2019: iPhone 11 Pro, Apple Arcade, iPad, Watch 2019 and everything announced via CNET
The iPhone 11 Pro comes with three cameras and smarter processing. We also found out Apple Arcade, Apple's game subscription service is going live with iOS 13 and a new, more powerful iPad is ready for it.
iOS 13 is coming on September 19th, but it won’t have every feature right away via The Verge
The update gives some much-needed love to dated apps on the iPhone, including Maps, Photos, and Reminders, and it gives the people what they really want: Dark Mode. The update to Apple Maps will likely be one of the most profound changes.
Healthcheck endpoints in C# in MVC projects using ASP.NET Core, and writing results to Azure Application Insights via Jeremy Lindsay
MVC projects in ASP.NET Core have a built-in feature to provide information on the health of your website. It’s really simple to add it to your site, and this instrumentation comes packaged as part of the default ASP.NET Core toolkit.
AI-powered code review now available for Visual Studio Code via SDTimes
DeepCode is bringing its AI-powered code review capabilities to Visual Studio Code. The company announced an open-source extension that will enable developers to use DeepCode to detect bugs and issues in Visual Studio Code.
Digital Product Strategy & Product Management
How to Choose the Right Product Development Firm via Smashing Boxes
Finding the right product development firm to help bring your idea to life can be a stressful decision. It can be the difference between success and failure. It’s important to choose a firm that collaborates with you versus a vendor focused on selling you.
When Waterfall Principles Sneak Back Into Agile Workflows via Harvard Business Review
AgileFall is an ironic term for program management where you try to be agile and lean, but you keep using waterfall development techniques. It often produces a result that’s like combining a floor wax and dessert topping.
Deciding which features to build and how to prioritize them via Product Management Insider
Adding the right features can improve your product exponentially, adding the wrong ones can make your product to a feature cemetery, adding too many will dilute the perception of your product in your customers’ mind. It’s more than important to think of which features should be built and which of them should be prioritized.
Why Stripe is the Best Choice for Entrepreneurs and Engineers via Smashing Boxes
If your application or website will be accepting payments from users, you’ll need to choose a payment processor to integrate into your product or service. This choice will have a significant impact across the business – from the developers integrating the service to the business stakeholders responsible for revenue and growth.
Entrepreneurship and Business Strategy
Put Purpose at the Core of Your Strategy via Harvard Business Review
Companies have long been encouraged to build purpose into what they do. But usually it’s talked about as an add-on—a way to create shared value, improve employee morale and commitment, give back to the community, and help the environment.
Health and Wellness
Apple is launching a Research app that will allow US consumers to participate in health studies via TechCrunch
Internet of Medical Things (IoMT): Apple is launching a new Research app for Apple Watch owners that will allow people to opt to privately contribute to health research by sharing the data collected from the smartwatch and its many sensors, as well as the Apple Health app. Research partners include the University of Michigan, the World Health Organization, Harvard School of Public Health, the NIH, the American Heart Association and the Brigham and Women’s Hospital.
This site goes blurry when you slouch via PC Gamer
Fix Posture uses your webcam—the site claims it won't scrape or steal your data—to look for telltale signs of poor posture, based on the tilt of your eyes, the relationship between your eyes, shoulders, and the horizon, and the intrusion of any foreign objects like a knee or foot in the image.
User Experience and Design
What B2B Designers Can Learn from B2C About Building Trust via Nielson Norman Group
Unlike B2C users, B2B consumers have unique concerns such as strict budgets, contact with sales representatives, and the need to appease multiple stakeholders. However, decreasing purchase complexity and increasing trust are as important on B2B ecommerce sites as on B2C ones.